A Legacy of Love

May 22, 2010

My mom asked where her anniversary blog was.  Anna and PJB both got birthday blogs...  I had planned on writing about my parents' anniversary, but I didn't have an old picture of them scanned in my computer and our scanner is dead, but Anna came to the rescue.

My parents were married May 22, 1971 in a sweet little country church in Shady Grove.  My mother wore a dress and veil made for her by my grandmother.  **Side note:  Mom was TINY.  I tried on her dress a few times in my young life but was never able to zip it up after age 12.  Both dress and veil were secured in Gram's cedar chest and it was a rare and special occasion when they came out.  One can imagine my surprise when many years later, that veil made its way to my house for the purpose of being added to Parker's and Molly's dress-up wardrobe.**

I loved looking at their wedding pictures when I was little and now, as a married woman myself, I can look at them and see more than the clothing and the flowers and the younger versions of family members.  I can see the clear expressions of love and adoration on the faces of the two people God brought together to cherish one another until death parts them.

Mom and Dad,  thank you both for loving each other and loving Anna and me enough to stay married for 39 years!  The two of you have given us a legacy of love that I am trying to pass on through my marriage and I know Anna will in hers.  I look at this picture taken 39 years ago, then I look at the second picture taken just last fall and I can fill in the years with memories and photographs, all of which made four lives worth living.

All because two people fell in love...

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