Alma's Got Talent!
May 25, 2010 I have no idea whether or not this link will work. It may depend on whether or not you are my Facebook friend. It's worth a try because you really need a point of reference to process this post. So, try to view this; then come back.!/video/video.php?v=10150197417355311&ref=mf
Hopefully you were able to see AMS's Select Choir perform at the spring talent show as the finale. PJB is in select choir and I can't say enough about the amazing talent and ability this group of 52 7th and 8th graders in Smalltown, USA possesses. Tonight was their spring concert and in addition to performing Bohemian Rhapsody, they sang an acapella version of Stand By Me, Bridge Over Troubled Water (with amazing soloists), and a spiritual.
Our district is blessed to have an amazing choral staff. A married couple, the Whitworths, heads the department and we have two additional full-time choir directors as well as an accompanist. Without these folks, many of our students would never tap into the vocal talents they have. The Whitworths grow singers!
Parker LOVES choir. She LOVES to sing. Sometimes we hang out outside the bathroom door and listen to her sing in the shower! Her voice is beautiful and, thanks to Matt and Teri Whitworth, well trained. I hope she'll develop more confidence in the coming years and be able to sing alone -- no problem. I also hope that Molly will be interested in choir when she enters AMS in another year and I hope that her choir director can help her find a way to carry a tune! Molly hasn't exactly expressed much interest in singing...but, maybe...
I am truly thankful that our district places such importance on all the performing arts. We have the kinds of programs in place that I would have loved to have been a part of when I was a kid.
And, the official countdown to summer has begun. Actually, it began a long time ago. This time next week I won't have to think about what we're wearing in the morning or if I have lunch stuff in the kitchen or what activity we'll rush off to after school. I will stay up a little later and sleep in a little later! Oh, sweet summer! I CAN'T WAIT!!!