Transplant Update

December 27, 2010

Today was my first visit to the transplant center at OU Medical Center.  The purpose of today's visit was to meet with my donor advocate and living donor coordinator.  Obviously, the program staff need to make sure I'm doing this of my own free will and not being coerced or something.  They also went over (again) the risks involved and the tests required to actually get to the point where the transplant can happen.

Mom and Dad went as well since both Dad and I had to have blood drawn today.  We had a nice, quiet day while the girls stayed behind with Gram.  Unfortunately, I had had what I think must have been a migraine yesterday afternoon and night which left me dehydrated from being sick to my stomach.  My veins weren't going to cooperate at first, but with a couple of glasses of water and a really good lab tech it all came together and they got four ruby-red vials of blood.  We're hoping for results within a week that will tell us if the blood types and cross-genetics match.  Once that's clear, then we'll progress to the second phase of testing which means more bloodwork (not my favorite thing at all -- I get all hot and lightheaded...), an EKG, and a chest x-ray.  If all that checks out, we move onto even more extensive testing.  All in all we're looking at a 3-4 month period before the transplant can happen.

My appetite had returned by the time we left the appointment and it was just right at lunchtime.  Guess where we ate?  Firelake Casino in Shawnee.  Ha!  Evidently my parents have enjoyed their buffet on a trip home from OKC before, so that's where we stopped.  I have been in exactly one other casino in my lifetime and that was because my sister and I were going to see The Wreckers there when they were still together.  Great show by the way.  Can I just tell you that casinos, especially around noon on a Monday, are interesting places?  The buffet was actually pretty good and a great value (all three of us ate for under $25).  We couldn't leave without playing a quick slot.  I put a $5 bill in and was up $8 after my first bet.  I should have stopped there.  Oh well, it was kind of fun to sit next to my parents and have a good laugh.

Life at home is returning to normal.  My husband is returning to normal.  Tomorrow's plans include a trip to the mall for an exchange and for PJB to spend a gift card, another chiropractor visit for Molly, and possibly a matinee.  We haven't seen Tangled yet...  Or, I may just scrap all that for Wednesday and put up Christmas decorations tomorrow.  Once it's over, it's over and I'm ready to de-clutter. 

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