421 --
December 27, 2011421. Thunder tickets for New Year's Eve (second year in a row...tradition in the making?)
422. Mario Kart 7 on Lilah's 3DS (trying very hard to remember it's HER toy -- can't believe I ever had my doubts about it!)

423. A new Crock Pot (my husband does listen to me and he does surprise me sometimes -- I'd already gotten my "gift" on Friday, but this was under the tree Sunday morning)

424. Feeling like a newlywed after receiving an appliance as a gift this year ; )
425. A lazy day after Christmas (it was cold and rainy and dreary -- what else could we do?)

426. Remembering a sleepy girl's excitement

427. A full house

428. Having a cousin on Christmas morning (my mom is an only child, so Anna & I were always the only kids)

429. Being able to share some of this girl's clothes now : )

430. Putting 2011 to bed
431. Exciting opportunities to serve in 2012
432. The smell of new books
433. My washing machine that keeps hanging on even though it rarely spins the first time
434. Target : )
435. That feeling I get at the most random times that just overwhelms me with thankfulness for the simple things like a working dishwasher to load -- God speaks to our hearts, doesn't He?