411 -- 420

December 21, 2011

411.  Sweet drawings by a 5-year-old's hands..."This is what Christmas is really about."

412.  The Christmas tree's glow; the surprises underneath

413.  Not-so-little girls who follow in their mother's footsteps (I was a present opener/re-wrapper) -- I'll be honest; I was very frustrated by this until my mother reminded me of my old antics and, well, it really was part of the fun for me...

414.  Christmas programs at church

415.  Children's Christmas programs at church and that spunky little gal on the front row with the big black bow in her hair ; )

416.  Surprising my man with an early gift

417.  A new/old phone to replace my old/old phone that met with an untimely end in a glass of Dr. Pepper.

418.  The whole family in church -- 2nd week in a row

419.  The excitement of switching up the holiday routine this year and spending the night with my parents for the first time in probably 8 or 9 years -- I didn't even realize I missed it until we decided to do it this year

420.  The confidence in absolutely knowing my lifelong friend's mother is seated in heaven, praising our Lord.  Linda Hall was a part of my life from first grade on.  Many a slumber party was held in her home; many a Halloween dinner was eaten in her kitchen.  She was a pastor's wife, a musician, and a gentle woman.  She played the piano beautifully, accompanying Martha nearly every time she sang.  It saddens me to realize that we're entering that stage in life when we'll see the parents of our friends passing away.  Blessings to Mark, Martha, and Marcus...

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