A Beautiful Day!
March 31, 2013Oh, what a wonderful Easter! I had been looking so forward to today for several reasons, one of which was our church stepping out from tradition and holding a joint service with another local church in our town's farmer's market. The old train depot was a great spot in the heart of our downtown area, an area that very much needs the light of Christ. The praise and worship was led by a combined band and praise team and I am amazed at the talents God has blessed these local musicians with. It was spirit-filled. Several people who live in the apartments across the street opened their doors and stepped outside to to listen. It was sweet.
It was also standing room only. Our youth had taken several rows and then moved to the side of the depot to allow some "older" folks and families to have seats. Eventually PJB and her little group ended up backing Brent's truck up close and sitting in the bed of it. At one point before that happened, I glanced over to the "wall" where they were perched. Parker's dress jumped out at me and I snapped a quick picture.