Super Quick...
April 21, 2013I am fading fast! I've got to have a nap. Last night I didn't sleep well -- hardly slept at all. I tried. I went to bed at 10:00, but I was waiting the arrival home of PJB and her two friends at 2:30. The girls didn't go to prom, but they were invited to an after-prom concert that we were very comfortable with them going to. They had a great time and I breathed a sigh of relief when I heard those car doors shut and feet walking up the steps.
It still took me a little while to wind down after they got in and, just about the time I was drifting off to sleep, the littlest girl came into our room complaining of an upset tummy. I walked her back to bed, but at 6:00 I was washing sheets and making a pallet in the floor. So, no church for us today. She's running a bit of a temp right now and fighting off her own nap. Maybe she'll give in and close her eyes soon.
We played soccer yesterday and Lilah is really enjoying it now. A couple of the other moms and I were talking how much the kids are improving week to week. It's fun! They had a little half-time huddle to discuss how they were playing and that they couldn't quit running because the other team runs the whole game. We won 10 or 11 to 3. I lost track somewhere. Oh, I keep score ;)

After soccer the girls and I ran over to mom and dad's. Anna and Cora were in and we had to get our Cora lovin'! It was a nice girls-only visit since Jamie was working and Rawlon stayed in Bentonville and dad was under the weather. (You won't waste a prayer on him right now. He's just not been feeling well at all.) We sat outside on the patio and we worked in mom's yard just a little. We also smothered Cora with kisses (hope she doesn't get this little stomach thing Lilah has).
Anna played around with her camera after we left and she captured some great shots of sweet baby. I've got share them because there's just never been a prettier baby -- really. She's prettier than mine and mine were VERY pretty babies!

Can you stand the sweetness? Yummy! I'm taking a break from my artifact for my Wednesday night class. All four chapters are due in three days and I'm only completely finished with one of them. All have been started, but they are not even ready to be turned in. If I can make it through Wednesday, I'm good! I won't be terribly upset if Lilah has to stay home tomorrow... I could really use that time!