January 15, 2010Woo Hoo! Tomorrow is Saturday! I have needed a Saturday all week. Unfortunately, last Saturday I got ZERO housework done. I opted to go wedding dress shopping with my sister! It was great; she found THE dress; it was nice to get out with just the grown-up women in my family. Sunday, still no work to be done. The girls and I traveled to my hometown to celebrate my dad's birthday by going to church with my family and lunching at my parents' house. Then, I came home, watched a DVRd episode of Bridezillas that I couldn't finish the night before because I was soooo sleeeeeppyyyy. Did you see Karen? I know I caught it on the re-run. Let me tell you, this person is an example of a strong will left unchecked. (I am only slightly worried that Girl 3 may turn out like this.)