Good Morning!

April 26, 2010

Well, here  I am, bright and early on Monday morning.  I have a little time while I'm waiting on my flat iron to get to optimum straightening heat again.  (I need a Chi.  I am too cheap to purchase a Chi; therefore, I wait on my Wal-Mart Andis to heat up again while I do something else.  Usually I iron something for the day, get lunches ready, or holler at PJB one more time to get out of bed. The hollering is usually followed by a threat of "I will have your phone for 24 hours if you don't get up right now."  That usually works around the third time.)  Be right back.  I must straighten while the iron is hot!

OK.  I'm back for another 3 minutes.  It's time to buy a new Andis.  In all honesty, it's a great little straightener for about 3 months.  I sort of think of them as disposable.  I'm back to the disposing stage.

Our pace this morning is sort of laid back.  Jamie has been out of town all weekend working in Texas.  He called me at 5:56 this morning as he was headed back to the motel.  He had been working since 5:00 Sunday morning.  Yes, he put in a 25 hour shift.  He sounded crazy tired.  I love my hard-workin' man! 

I didn't have my quiet time this morning and I so intended to.  I hit the snooze until 5:45.  Ugh.  I have decided these verses shall be my focus for the week:

I do not understand what I do.  For what I  want to do I do not do,
but what I hate to do...
For I have the desire to do what is good, but I cannot carry it out.
  For I do not do the good I want to do, but the evil I do not
want to do--this I keep on doing.
Romans 7:15-19

I came across this passage of scripture in a book I finished last night that was borrowed from a former student.  The Church of Facebook:  How the Hyperconnected Are Redefining Community is not so much a look at Facebook as it is the psychology of being connected.  It was very interesting, but I kept waiting for the "churchy" part.  Finally, in the last chapter, Rice focused on telling the story of Jesus and the woman at the well and relating that to our human need for connection to others.  Authentic connections.  There is also a lot of interesting information about the Facebook phenomenon in the book.  It was a good read overall, but like Courtney who loaned it to me, I skimmed some.

These verses are going to be my focus this week, whether or not I actually make it to my 5:00 quiet time.  I must be more purposeful -- at home, at school, in the community.  I use the excuse of being busy and overwhelmed to slack off and just continue walking in what is normally a self-created daze.  

So, these are just my Monday morning musings...

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  1. I love that bible verse. It's definitely a thinker...


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