These Thoughts of Mine...

April 13, 2010

I have thoughts.  Sometimes.  When I'm not hurried or running late or overly tired or dealing with the latest Lilah episode or intervening between a 10 year old and a 13 year old -- both of whom act a lot like the 3 year old.  I really should get in the habit of keeping a notebook and sribbling these thoughts down when they occur but, as that would require some sort of organization on my part, I don't see that happening.  The thing is, I really enjoy writing and I really have some worthwhile things to share with the world (or maybe my 2 blog followers).

I'll try to collect a few of these thoughts just to prove I actually have them.  Here goes!

1.  Summer, please hurry.  I am ready for long, lazy days.  I need time to enjoy my man, my girls, and my home.  I need time to read this ever-growing pile of books.  I want to get a little crafty.  I want a tan.  I desperately need the relaxed schedule of summer that only a teacher can appreciate.

2.  Parker is growing up.  She'll be 13 next month.  I don't want that to happen.  At all.  On the other hand, it's pretty cool to think about how in these 13 years her father and I have managed to take pretty decent care of her.  It makes me feel very grown up.  She got a haircut today (just a trim and some taming of her layers) and we talked with the stylist about coming back in a few weeks for highlights "that will be gorgeous in her hair."  I'm really not ready for this.

3.  Motorcycles.  Jamie wants one -- again.  If he ever expects me to ride with him, he better find a way to buy me one as well because I just really need to be in control of my own bike.  I don't exactly trust him to drive safely with me on the back and our girls need at least one parent, so I think it's best if I drive beside him not ride behind him.  But, I have to agree that riding a motorcycle these past few days would so be the life.

4.  I want a tattoo.  I have for a while and I think I've made a decision about what/where I want.  I had told Jamie a few weeks ago that when I lost 20 pounds I would get one.  He said, "No you won't."  Prepared to fight about it, I said, "Won't get a tattoo?"  He said, "Lose 20 pounds."  He's probably right.  I've been trying and I can't seem to lose for anything.  Ugh.  I really want this tattoo, though.

5. Faith.  Prayer.  My relationship with my Savior.  I have found myself out of the Word and not having any quiet time at all.  I hate this.  I know it's going to take discipline to get in a routine, but 5:00 comes so early.  That's really the only uninterrupted time I can count on every day.  I'm pretty sure I would have written off any relationship with myself long ago if I were God.  Thank you, Father, for your grace and mercy.

So,there you go.  Just some of the randomness (I really hate using "random" or any form of it...when did it become so ... I don't know... but it is completely overused.) that has been crossing my mind lately. 

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  1. -5. Faith. Prayer. My relationship with my Savior. I have found myself out of the Word and not having any quiet time at all. I hate this. I know it's going to take discipline to get in a routine, but 5:00 comes so early. That's really the only uninterrupted time I can count on every day. I'm pretty sure I would have written off any relationship with myself long ago if I were God. Thank you, Father, for your grace and mercy.

    [You are not alone... I, too am dealing with the same thing. Life and stress just keeps getting the best of me and I am not fully giving it over to the Lord like I should...]

  2. It's tough, isn't it? Life needs to slow down a notch or two! Dad is home and continuing dialysis at the hospital 3 days a week. Eventually, the port in his abdomen will allow him to do it at home while he sleeps -- doing it that way takes about 8 hours as opposed to the 4 hours he's been doing. Please continue to pray for him. It's going to be a tough road for a while anyway. Thanks for asking about him : )


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