Anna Banana

May 18, 2010

Tomorrow is my little sister's birthday.  She's not so little anymore; she's turning 32!  This week is actually full of fun, family festivities for the Batchelor clan.  Anna's birthday on the 19th, Parker's birthday on the 21st, and Mom and Dad's 39th wedding anniversary on the 22nd.  Whew!  This post is all Anna, though...

I was 4 years old when Anna was born.  I remember the day Mom and Dad brought her home...bits and pieces, of course.  I remember that Gram was at my house with me (the day my parents brought Anna home) and it was sort of overcast and rainy that day.  There was a book (at Gram and Grandpa's, I think) that was read to me over and over again about a little boy who got a new baby sister.  I was bound and determined to reenact that story.  I ran to the car as it pulled in the drive (just like the little boy did) and opened the door for my mom.  The memory gets a little fuzzy here...  I do remember that in those next few days after Anna came home, I was sort of disappointed that I wasn't getting more of the baby action.  I had planned on feeding her, changing her, carrying her around...  It didn't take me long to get over my not having any real baby duties; before you knew it I was knocking over her bouncy seat so she spilled into the floor (it was sitting in the floor...OK?) and encouraging her to push a little harder on that screen in the open window (that resulted in her falling several feet and landing between the house and the heating unit...she was older by then...walking, anyway).  Poor Anna!  I'm really sorry; I mean it.

Over the years we had lots of fun times together and lots of fights together and lots of times where she was just ignored altogether.  Here is some evidence that we did have sweet times during our childhoods. Note:  These photos were hacked from Anna's Facebook.  : )

And here is a picture that is sure to embarrass my sweet sister who really doesn't deserve this... 

And, in fairness, here is one to embarrass me...

All joking aside, Anna is wonderful sister.  She is smart and talented and kind and loving.  She is creative and classy and (I need another C word...).  Anna is the kind of "Nana" to my girls that I would have loved to have had growing up.  She's embarking on a new journey in her life and I know I can't wait until October when she becomes Rawlon's bride and Maddy's stepmother.  I know I look up to my little sister in so many ways.  She is also one of the best friends to others I've ever seen.  She puts a priority on maintaining relationships despite distance and lack of face time.  

Anna, I'm really glad you weren't injured in either of the aforementioned incidents.  And I'm also sorry that Jamie and Ruby had that falling out a few years ago.  I think he's almost over it.  We love you and your dog.  We love you and your man and his girl.  Here's wishing you every happiness that your 32nd year should bring!  

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