A Day Late (and a dollar short...)

May 10, 2010

I'm not really a dollar short!  (That's unusual by the way.)  I never had a chance to sit down yesterday and post a Happy Mothers Day post about my mom.  I had a great day and enjoyed my parents, sister, and gram coming to church with the girls and me.  Jamie worked -- duh.  Then, we came back to our house for lunch and homemade strawberry cake.  Yum!  (Jamie did the "fan" strawberry embellishment...)

My sweet dad brought me a rose to wear during church (my first Mothers Day corsage ever) and Anna showed up in the exact dress I wore last Sunday.  Isn't that funny?  What's even funnier is that Mom told us she almost bought the dress, too!  She said she carried it around with her for some time before finally deciding against it.  How funny would it have been if we'd all shown up in the same place in the same dress?  We must have exceptional taste!

Anyway, let's get to the part about my mother.  My mom is the best mom in the world.  Really.  It's really amazing how God knows the kind of mother you need.  He blessed me with a mom who is gentle, meek, humble, loving, forgiving, tolerant, and patient.  I'm pretty sure she was taken completely off-guard when her firstborn child turned into ME.  Through it all, she has managed to continue to love me -- even during my unlovable times.  Mom is devoted her family and she is an amazing Mimi to my girls.  I love her so very much. 

I love this picture of Mom and me.  It must have been taken in the summer of 1975...  I can just picture Dad, bending down and shooting this. 

Here's Mom with my girls last fall.  They adore Mimi!

I hope anyone who actually reads this had a great Mothers Day whether you celebrated as a mom or a daughter.  Oh, let me show you what I got...

They're exactly what I wanted!  I spent some of yesterday afternoon digging in the dirt which made me very, very happy!

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  1. I love your blog! A mutual friend told me about it and I've been nosting around. I would like to follow it, but I don't see how to do that.

  2. Well, thanks, C! You can subscribe to my posts and get them in your Google reader by clicking "subscribe to" at the bottom of the page. Is that the same as "following"? I'm not sure! I'm still pretty new to this. I do know that I actually have 3 followers! You could be #4!


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