All Aboard!

June 18, 2010

My Gram has wanted to go on the Arkansas-Missouri Railroad's excursion since she saw a commercial for it on TV (keep in mind she only moved to our area last year, so she didn't know about the train) a few months ago.  Well, she decided it would be a fun little staycation for the girls in the family and she treated all of us because that's probably the only way we would all go.  Naturally, my 13 year old was none too excited about this initially and asked me several times what exactly we would be doing.  
"Riding," I told her.  
"Just riding?" she said.  
"Yes," I affirmed.  
"For how long?" she queried.

This conversation continued and was repeated a few times in the days leading up to our adventure.  I try so hard to remember that I, too, didn't appreciate the scenic beauty of the countryside at age 13...  By the time it was all said and done, I think she enjoyed it...until Braum's.  That's another story.  I don't feel like discussing it now.  Molly had a good time, too.  Lilah loved it and she behaved so well!  I hope we're over the terrible 3s and we can actually take her places now without too much anxiety.  I think Gram was glad she brought this idea to fruition and had a pretty good time herself.

PJB seems to be almost excited about embarking on our journey.

Lilah was a little quiet at first, but she perked up in no time.

Soon after this we figured out how to change the seats so they faced each other.

So Li and I turned ours around to face Gram and Mom, then Anna joined us and left the big girls to themselves.

We were glad to get to see Maddy today.  In just under 4 months she'll officially be my niece and the girls' cousin.  :-)

Our box lunches were good except that they all contained Fritos.  As you can tell by my expression, I am not a fan of Frito's.

Please, please ignore this horrible shot of me and focus on Lilah's expression.  She loved the dark tunnel!  

Going over the trestles was amazing.  We were over the tree canopy and it was just spectacular.  

We saw lots of creeks (or maybe just a continuation of the same creek?) and I wish we'd gotten some pictures of the awesome swimming spots we saw.  I was telling Jamie about how cool they were and that I wished I knew how to get to them.  He said "Just walk the track."  How fun would it be to take a backpack each and a pup tent and just walk the tracks for 2 or 3 days?  I would love that.  It would be a perfect trip for just the two of us.  I wonder if it's dangerous to do that?  Are there still hobos?  I think the only trains that run this piece of track are the excursion trains and they only run on certain days.  Hmmm.  Something to consider!

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