July 26, 2010Well, looks like I'm doing good to get in one post per week. I can't write unless everyone is AWAY from me. AWAY. I've also been a blog slacker because I still haven't sent my camera in for repairs. The fact that I ran over my new camera does not speak well for me when I argue to Jamie that I really need (ok, want) a monster camera. (You know, the kind that weighs 30 pounds and requires a neck strap.) Anyway, our summer memories are all documented with my phone's camera or with PJB's camera provided she manages to take shots of something or someone besides herself. So, here's what's 'sup with us.
I finally got some "art" on Molly's wall. The picture is very fuzzy and you can't really see the detail in the dots or the outline on everything. If you're wondering about the 7, it's because Seven is Molly's middle name. Now, you should know that 2 days after I did this, Lilah got a hold of the pink paint and added to it. Fortunately, it's just at the bottom -- easy fix; I'll just paint over it with the leftover green paint. I still need to add a few things to Molly's room before we can consider it finished. She's been very patient...we started in January! There's not much more to report on M7B. I think she's ready for school to start.
Here's another fuzzy picture, but this is an action shot. Lilah has taught herself how to hula hoop. I tell you, it is the funniest thing I've ever seen. She's really pretty good. I can't hula hoop to save my life!
And, I'll share this one because it's so stinkin' cute. Don't you love those goggles? Lilah is fearless when it comes to water. In the long run, I think that will be a good thing. Right now, I'm really glad we don't have a real pool.
PJB drove for the first time tonight (well, aside from all those times she's sat on her daddy's lap and steered). You can take back roads from our house to her friend Aubrey's house and she's told me that Aubrey gets to drive when she comes to or leaves our house, so... Parker actually did a decent job for a first time -- we still have lots of work to do. Maybe when I recover from my whiplash we can work on her driving skills some more.
In other news...
I've got some friends on my heart this week. Lilah's sitter has her mastectomy tomorrow. The doctors say the cancer is contained in the left breast and surgery will get everything. I'm praying that's the case and that her recovery will be swift. They're doing the reconstruction at the same time (I've never heard of that before), so it may be a difficult recovery.
One of my sister's friends from Sallisaw (mine, too) found out last week (her 35th week) that her baby girl has spina bifida. Can you imagine the shock? We found out at 22 weeks and had plenty of time to process. They'll take the baby in 2 weeks, so she's trying hard to come to grips with this. We've exchanged lots of messages and she's asked lots of good questions. Her daughter's lesion is going to be higher than Molly's which means there will be more paralysis/lack of gross motor movement in the legs. As her docs have said, "It's not the best case, but it's not the worst either." I'm so thankful she had an ultrasound in her last month (high blood pressure with first pregnancy). I can't imagine discovering this at delivery. She's going to be fine, though. She's a very strong person and she's smart and capable -- she and her husband can do this!
Anna's very best friend since forever has taken her 4 month old daughter back to Boston Children's for her 2nd heart surgery. Addison's story is truly a testament to God's healing power. Reading Amber's CaringBridge updates after Addi's birth would just give me chills. She and Tyler would ask for prayer about a specific concern and the prayer warriors would lift it up. I promise you, 9 times out of 10, the next day there was a positive answer to those prayers. Addi's surgery is Friday, so if you think about it, lift this precious baby girl up to our Heavenly Father.
And, of course, always on my heart these days is my dad. He's just about completed the rigorous exams he needed in order to officially be on the transplant list. Everything else checked out fine, so now we wait. His preference is that this wait until after football season. That's a man for you! I have also been to my doctor for a kidney function test just to see if I'm showing any signs. My results came back and my kidneys are healthy... I'm seriously considering donating one to my dad. I can't say that everyone in my family thinks this is a good idea. My thinking is that between my 3 girls there are 6 kidneys...pay it forward?
So, 'sup with you? I have 6 weekdays (weekends don't count; we're entitled to those days) that are free before I start school on the 9th. The rest of this week should probably be spent doing all the things I haven't gotten finished this summer. Next week I have Pathwise training for 3 days, then 2 left. I can't say I'm too sad about it. The excitement of back to school is almost like a holiday for me! School supplies...school clothes...new shoes! Hooray!