

October 22, 2010

Life has seemed to be moving at the speed of light lately.  I know there are lots of other moms who stay busier than I do and I can tell you that I have no idea how they manage.  I love to be home.  I have tried to insure that we are home at least two evenings a week.  That's becoming more difficult to do. 

The irony (or perhaps idiocy) of my thinking right now is that I'm seriously considering starting grad school in the spring semester.  Professionally, I'm at a point where I could use a little developing.  There's lots to consider and, of course, I need Jamie's agreement.  I'm waiting until just the right time to bring this up because he knows how busy I am and I'm thinking he's going to have some concerns.

In other news, I'm almost to the end of the first month following the written budget.  It's been difficult ;I've gone over in some categories; we had an unexpected expense.  Overall, I'm still convinced this is going to work.  "Every dollar has a name."  That's my mantra these days --  except for the $4.24 that didn't have a name until I named it Braum's.

Part of budgeting means finding cheap alternatives to our normal expenses in order to move forward with our goals.  Tonight the girls and I tried Savers, a new resale store in the Fort.  Savers isn't a traditional consignment shop; it's a STORE.  Of course, you have to be willing to look through some outdated things to find the treasures, but, trust me, they're there.  I'm so glad my big girls are willing to let me show them that we can find some deals this way and get more than we could at the mall or wherever.  Here's a list of what we bought:

      Lilah:  tiered, denim skirt from The Children's Place -- $2.99
                  Old Navy denim skirt -- $2.99

      Molly:  Justice skinny jeans -- $5.99
                   Hollister sweater hoodie -- $6.99
                   Hollister cardigan -- $6.99
                   Miley Cyrus buffalo check shirtdress -- $2.99
                   Soffe shorts -- $.99

      Parker:  Old Navy skinny jeans with rips -- $5.99
                      DKNY dressier jeans -- $12.99

Everything looks BRAND NEW.  I won't buy resale if it doesn't look absolutely like it came out of the store.  That's why it takes some time to dig and hunt for the pieces we'll want.   I didn't get a chance to look for myself, but I'll head back alone soon. 

I told PJB and Molly that they didn't have to tell anyone where they bought these things...our own little version of "Don't Ask; Don't Tell."  Park told me it wasn't a big deal and rattled off a list of girls who've told her they've been to Savers and other resale shops to buy clothes.  I think that's pretty cool.  When I was in 8th grade I would have just as soon died a quick death than to even consider buying someone's "gently used" clothing!

Oh, tomorrow is Saturday!  I think we're supposed to get some scattered thunderstorms tonight and I am ready to enjoy some good sleeping weather.  Enjoy your weekend!

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