

November 02, 2010

Today was PJB's first pep rally.  She's been nervous for days and they have practiced and practiced to be ready.  I actually took a 1/2 personal day so I could be there and not have to worry about my classes.  It was quite nice to come home and be alone with my husband for a while.  We watched a rerun of Magnum PI and I took a little cat nap.  That's the life!

I've gotten off topic.  The pep rally was great.  These 8th grade girls can stunt and several can tumble like nobody's business.  The band played, very well I should say.  The football players were introduced.  A game was played for a $50 gift card to WalMart.  All in all, it was a great time.  Here are a few shots with my challenged camera.  A little editing and they aren't too bad.

Great job, cheerleaders!  Great job, band!  Play hard, Pups!

I feel a little sad that Park's first football season of cheering is over.  It has just flown by.  If she continues to cheer, that leaves 4 more seasons before she graduates. I need a moment...

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