January 22, 2011My car has a dent in the front passenger door. It's a good one. My husband had parked on the road in front of a friend's house and his neighbor backed into our car. A year and a half ago. The dent's still there.
We didn't fix it with the insurance money, instead, we lived on the $1,600 check Farm Bureau issued us for damages. This happened during a time when Jamie was on his second long layoff in a 15 month period. We had paid September's bills (the absolutely necessary ones) with my August 30th paycheck and there was really nothing left. Unemployment was not an option because of the timing of the two layoffs, the job market in our area for anything related to what Jamie does was worse than I can ever remember, and we were truly living day to day. I was praying Matthew 6:25 during this uncertain time.
This is awesome! I love reading your stuff!