The Lazy Days of Winter
February 04, 2011We're on snow day #4 of this week. Our district tried to have school today, but we dismissed at 9:40 as the dusting we were supposed to get turned into about 2 inches at this point. I love it. I may not love it come June 8th, but today I love it.
I've been reading a lot this week and I just want to share this with you from One Thousand Gifts. I read it at just the right time and Ann might as well be speaking for me (good thing since she speaks so eloquently. She can speak for me all the time.)
"I am naked and I am right ashamed. I know how monstrously inhumane
I can be. Raging at children for minor wrongdoings while I'm the one defiling
the moment with sinful anger. Hoarding possessions while others die of
starvation. Entertaining the mind with trivial pretties when I haven't bowed
the head and heart in a prayer longer than five minutes in a week. My
tongue has a razor edge and my eyes have rolled haughty and my neck has
been stiff and graceless and I have lived the filth ugly, an idolator, a glutton,
and a grace thief who hasn't had time for the thanks."
Isn't this the way I live most days? I make little problems and inconveniences into huge issues. I gripe and complain about a glass (full) accidentally knocked off the counter and broken. I roll my eyes and I have my mind focused on worldly stuff all the time. And then, in the quietness of the bedtime hours, I'm ashamed of the way I've behaved. I am not a naturally gentle and quiet spirit. I never wanted to be; I never thought those quiet, gentle people had any fun. How funny the ways we change as grow.
Thankfully, God isn't finished with me. Thankfully, His grace and His mercies are new every morning; I so need them to be! Thankfully, He takes care of me even in my stubbornness. Even this morning He proved that as Mom and I were headed to OKC, determined to keep the appointments I had at OU Medical Center. The last two tests I needed before the transplant were scheduled for today and I didn't want to slow this process down. According to our sources, I-40 was clear all the way. We weren't expecting much weather -- just a dusting, right? I bundled Lilah up straight from her bed and took her to Gram's. Jamie was in charge of the big girls. At 7:10 my phone rang. It seems there had been a small flood in the CT/MRI area. Mom is mouthing to me, "Reschedule; I'll tell you why later." So, obedient child (there's no lightning anywhere close) that I am, I did. Turns out Mom had prayed that if there was any reason we shouldn't make the trip God would make that very clear to us. I had simply prayed for safe travel... By the time I left Sallisaw to head home, the roads were covered with snow and becoming slick. Thank You, Father for clear directions.