Hey There, Stranger!
June 12, 2011I guess it's been a couple of weeks since I've blogged! The end of the school year is a crazy time and this year was especially crazy because it seemed like it might never end. Last week, when all my Oklahoma family and friends were already out (and had been out for a couple of weeks), I kept thinking to myself, "Those snow days were great! We loved playing outside and then eating gorging ourselves on homemade cinnamon rolls. Yep, they were great. Loved 'em." There is power in positive thinking!
So, what have we been up to? Well, I'll tell ya -- just maintaining! Isn't it funny that just maintaining your daily routine is sometimes a chore? Throw in all the end of the school year activities and it's almost impossible to keep any sense of normalcy to your life. How about a list with pictures to bring you up to speed? How about a list with pictures because I'm sort of brain dead and I need visual aids? OK!
2. Bling-bling iPhone 4 case. I promised you random! This would be an example of how I "choose my battles." I was/am not crazy about this -- I think it's rather tacky. But, PJB had birthday money and, well, tacky bling is nothing if not for 14 year old girls!