Last "Supper"

September 24, 2011

I thought I'd just blog a little update real quick as I try to avoid starting my bowel prep for surgery Monday.  No one mentioned this "little" activity until yesterday, and I'm sort of mad about that.  I had a vision of my parents, Jamie, and I eating an early dinner Sunday evening in Bricktown somewhere.  My assumption (and, you know what they say about assumptions) was that we'd just do a regular "no food or drink after midnight" preparation for Monday morning.  Nope.  Dad gets to do that, but not me.  I'm lingering over my last piece of French bread toast and a Dr. Pepper before I drink a lovely concoction that will keep me in the bathroom once it kicks in.  After this last little meal, I'm on clear liquids only (and, yes, Mom, clear includes Sprite) until I get the OK to eat after surgery Monday afternoon or evening.  That's over 48 hours!  I'm curious to see what I weigh when I'm admitted to the hospital after this 2-day crash diet.

Yesterday I went with Mom and Dad to OKC for our final cross-match labwork.  That was a frustrating experience -- just a little -- because, well, it took a long time and we were hungry, and, I don't bleed -- provided you can get a vein.  My veins just fizzle out when you're trying to collect 7 vials of blood from them.  I ended up with 4 sticks total and a very sore hand.  The nurse in Pre Op, Jane, gave me strict instructions to drink, drink, drink, this weekend to plump those veins up and hopefully get 'em moving.

Today I'm trying to get my house in final order -- girls' laundry done, everything put away, lawn mowed -- before leaving tomorrow afternoon.  I'm so very thankful for my sister who is taking time away from her family and her job to come stay with the girls.  I know she'd probably rather be at the hospital with us, but she's sacrificing that so that my girls are comfortable.  Gram will help her, too.

This may sound a little silly, but I still have to write my "letter."  In  the event that something were to happen and I don't make it through surgery, I need my family just to know how much I love them and what joy they've brought me.  Silly, I know, but I always have to have the last word. : )

I guess the next time you hear from me, I'll be on the road to recovery.  This process has been a real blessing.  People are praying for Dad and me from Arkansas and Oklahoma to Texas to Tennessee and more.  We've received such kind words of encouragement from others and those words mean so much.  Thursday I received a call from a man who donated to his dad last summer.  I'm friends with some of his family and we know lots of people in common, but we did not know each other.  He had some very practical advice for me and prayed with me before we hung up.  My substitute at school prayed with me Tuesday.  My Sunday school class has prayed over me.  Our Wednesday night prayer meetings have bathed this situation in prayer and I know many, many individuals have been lifting us up as well.  I'm at complete peace and that is a direct result of prayer.  My high-strung nature is taking a back seat in this. 

I'm ready, ready, ready, ready -- ready to do it and get back home!  I'm ready to see the change in Dad's health.  I've procrastinated long enough.  It's 11:49 and I was technically supposed to start this lovely bowel prepping process at 11:00.  Here goes nothing -- except the contents of my stomach and intestines : / 

Have a great weekend!  It's a beautiful day here in Arkansas!

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