
Rainy Days and Mondays...

October 10, 2011

It's a cool, rainy morning here at my house.  I'm so, so glad that I am still at home on medical leave today.  My head was aching this morning; Lilah has a little cough.  It's just a good morning to take it easy at home.

Last Thursday was the 21st anniversary of the first date my husband and I had.  It's an anniversary we always remember -- sometimes he remembers first; sometimes I do.  This year it was me.  We were juniors in high school who didn't really know each other.  We ran in two different crowds, but that was the appeal of the romance that was blossoming in Mrs. Nimmo's 7th period English class.  On good days we're thankful that David Brown pushed us toward an actual date; on bad days we wish he'd minded his own business.  Ha!  Either way, that first date was the beginning of something neither of us expected.  As we were lying in bed Thursday night with our three daughters sleeping across the house from us and Jamie looking up vintage Tupperware lunch kits on eBay, I thought about those silly kids who drove around on back roads on a chilly October night 21 years ago drinking beverages we couldn't legally buy and "getting to know one another."  Ahem.  I suppose the moral of the story is "Be careful who you date."  ; )  By the way, my man actually purchased this very masculine lunch box.  He's super stoked!

Now, let's talk about Pinterest!  I was probably a little late to Pinterest.  I didn't really see the point, but now I am an all out addict.  My blog friend Stacie is doing a Pinterest challenge and actually carrying out one "pinspiration" each week.  I'm thinking that's a great idea and I fully intend to join in (when I feel better of course!).  Here are some of my fave finds from the past few weeks.

I love this vintage ring.  I mean I L.O.V.E. it.  I also have 0, I mean Z.E.R.O. chance of ever owning it.  I do still love it.

I've wanted to plant some succulents for a couple of seasons now, but I didn't really know what to do with them.  We have lots of rocks and I need some color on them and a way to keep weeds out.  I really like these and I plan to use some of these next spring.

 I wasn't too interested in the fashion postings on Pinterest at first because, well, I'm bitter that I've gained weight.  And, I guess I ignore my own fashion because I have three little girls to clothe which eats up any clothing budget I have.  But... Pinterest is sort of stirring me up to be more intentional about the way I dress.  Yellow and gray is one of my new favorite color combinations although I do not actually own anything (yet) in this particular palette.

I will probably never do this, but I love these black walls.  The girls' bathroom (our "public" bathroom) is due for a re-do...  I probably will skip the toile shower curtain as it's a little dated now, but I'm sure I could find another black/cream print that would work.  Just in typing this, I've nearly talked myself into it. 

And, here's my favorite, favorite, favorite recent find.  Audrey Hepburn!!!  Lilah does like this despite the fact that she has no idea who the iconic character Holly Golightly is; however, she is not willing to give up her dream of being a cowgirl for Halloween.  Maybe I'll wear it ; )

Do you Pinterest?  It's amazing.  I didn't even touch the new recipe ideas I'm going to try thanks to Pinterest.  So many ideas, so little time!

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