The Joy Dare: 436 -- 459

January 10, 2012

If you've read my blog for any length of time, you know that I *try* to participate in "Multitudes on Monday with Ann.  Her book, One Thousand Gifts, inspired me to count the gifts that show up in my day-to-day.  I only made it to 435 before the year ended, but this year I'm determined to do better.  And, Ann is helping my big time by coming out with her "Joy Dare" that shares three categories of gifts to look for each day.  I didn't start on time, but I'm catching up. 

January 10 --

436.  A gift that's sour:  My attitude this morning, a gift only because it reminded me to hand those ugly feelings over to the One Who actually has control

437.  A gift that's sweet:  Nutter Butter Bites in the vending machine in the teachers' lounge for breakfast

438.  A gift that's just right:  homemade chicken-fried steak & mashed potatoes and gravy on a cold, rainy evening

January 9--

439.  A gift in your hand:  Hand sanitizing lotion from Glenda on my desk

440.  A gift you walked by:  Favorite former students in the hall at school

441.  A gift you sat with:  Writing with my students

January 8 --  These were about light and shadows and reflection and I just wasn't paying attention that day... 
January 7 --
442.  Three graces from people you love:  PJB taking the time to actually initiate a conversation that didn't begin with "I want."  (Here's a shot from cheering in our nice arena during the tournament Saturday night)
443.  Three graces from people you love:  Lilah's help as I cleaned house
444.  Three graces from people you love:  Several hugs from Molly...guess that growing girl still loves her momma!
January 6 --
445.  One thing in your bag:  Lilah's big pink hairbow
446.  One thing in your fridge:  Hot fudge and caramel toppings
447.  One thing in your heart:  Feeling blessed to have laundry -- God has given me a husband and three daughters to care for -- a full house is a blessing, dirty clothes and all
January 5 --
448.  Something you're reading:  Shatter Me
449.  Something you're making:  memories with Molly as we drive to Little Rock and back for her annual MRI
450.  Something you're seeing:  the sedation team nurse we've had several times in the past -- we love Shannon
January 4 --
451.  One gift old:  the butterfly quilt Gram made me when I was in 8th grade, still in use, softer than ever
452.  One gift new:  twill pants that are gray, not khaki
453.  One gift blue:  My big mixing bowl -- It's whipped up some awesome food over the past 15 years
January 3 -- Three lines you overheard that were graces -- again, not a day I was paying attention : (
January 2 --
454.  A gift outside:  Beautiful weather to return to school in
455.  A gift inside:  A clean classroom
456.  A gift on a plate:  Two glazed donuts from Shipley's
January 1 --  Three things about yourself you are thankful for
457.  My sense of humor
458.  My strong will (when it's a good thing)
459.  My hair (lately it's been making an awesome pony tail since I learned how to "bump" better from Kelly)

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