The Joy Dare: 436 -- 459
January 10, 2012If you've read my blog for any length of time, you know that I *try* to participate in "Multitudes on Monday with Ann. Her book, One Thousand Gifts, inspired me to count the gifts that show up in my day-to-day. I only made it to 435 before the year ended, but this year I'm determined to do better. And, Ann is helping my big time by coming out with her "Joy Dare" that shares three categories of gifts to look for each day. I didn't start on time, but I'm catching up.
January 10 --
436. A gift that's sour: My attitude this morning, a gift only because it reminded me to hand those ugly feelings over to the One Who actually has control
437. A gift that's sweet: Nutter Butter Bites in the vending machine in the teachers' lounge for breakfast