
January 21, 2012

We're just having a regular kind of Saturday around here.  I slept in until 8:30ish and woke up to a quiet house -- just for a second, though.  Lilah came into the kitchen as I was pouring my Grape Nuts with a sweet "Good Morning" and a hug and a kiss.  I remembered those days when my big girls were little and sleeping in was 6:00.  Those were some tough days back then, but I miss them now. 

Eventually, my other girls woke up and we had a quiet morning of Nick Jr. time on the computer and gathering up laundry.  I made an executive decision to forgo any serious housekeeping chores today, so straightening the living room and giving the floor a once-over after a quick-clean of the kitchen made me feel good enough about the state of things around this place that I uttered a quick apology to the Comet and made a date with it for next week sometime.

Park is off to NWA to watch a hockey game with a friend and her family.  Did you even know they had a hockey league up there?  I didn't.  Jamie woke up around noon after what he said was the best sleep he's had in a long time.  That's a real blessing -- he hasn't slept well in a few weeks.  We had lunch together and then he was off to his buddy's house to watch the Hogs play some b-ball.

Molly and I (with help from Lilah after she caught on to us) made chocolate chip cookies.  I've kept the laundry moving along and I think I'm on load four. 

In between laundry and lunch and laundry and cookies and laundry and...  I spent some time on Pinterest.  Oh, how I've missed it!

Just gonna share a glimpse of my laundry piles -- not sure why!  Notice the Sharpie writing on the top of the trash can.  I feel it adds a certain "we-have-or-have-had-small-children" sort of look to the room.  Also notice the comforter sitting in the corner.  Confession:  it's been there since sometime between Christmas and New Year's.  Boo (our 3-legged cat who is getting old and, I think, sick) threw up on it : (  I just can't bring myself to spend time at the laundry mat.  I actually even have a new quilt picked out that I'd like to spend my birthday money on next month.  Shall we take wagers on how much longer the comforter will sit there?  Please also note the clothes hanging in the doorway to the  master bedroom.  My friend Jesse doesn't dry anything.  She's rubbing off on me.  Please also note the hooks on the wall.  I made those in a sudden surge of craftiness a couple of years ago.  The intent was they would hold jackets, book bags, etc.  Instead, they provide a place for me to hang the clothes that come out of the dryer.  It's just about time to holler, "Girls, come get your clothes off the hooks!" to which my children will not respond.  I'll do it again and again and generally on the third time they reluctantly spark themselves to action.  Have I fully covered our laundry situation?  I think I have.

Cookies that don't look real pretty, but they are pretty good. 

We spent a little time outside.  Lilah is gassing up her Jeep here.  I do love a little imagination on a kid.  This lovely air pump works perfectly as a play gas pump.

Molly loves basketball -- at least shooting hoops.  She would love to have played on a little league team, but with her spina bifida issues (bowel stuff mainly), I just didn't feel like playing on a team would be a great idea.  This is probably bad parenting.  I don't know.  It's tough to know when to let her put herself out there, especially when there is potential for embarrassing accidents.  (Moving around and playing tends to get those bowels to moving.)  I hope we're able to do the MACE this summer. 

Lilah is a very serious driver.  She's looking back over her shoulder while shifting into reverse.  I love to watch her drive!

This photo was taken as we played Go Fish on the deck in very windy conditions Monday afternoon.  I love this ensemble of monkey sock hat and striped gloves, neither of which coordinate with her Eiffel Tower shirt.  Love this spunky kid!

There were several mornings of beautiful sunrises this past week.  I braved the cold temps to stand on the deck for a minute and get some pictures.  There's just something about watching the sun rise.  It reminds me that God's mercies are new every morning -- every. single. morning.  I needed some new mercies this week. 

May I ask a favor of you?  Please remember Gram in your prayers.  She's been hospitalized since New Year's Eve and it's been a tough situation.  For someone who is nearly 82 and still enjoyed driving, shopping, eating out with friends, and keeping her great-grands on occasion, this is hard.  She's been blessed with such good health, but thanks to a gallbladder attack and removal triggering a condition called Wegener's Disease she is now on dialysis, using a bi-pap machine for her breathing at night, on oxygen during the day, not walking unassisted, and otherwise dependent on others to care for her.  My mom is an only child, so lift her up as well as she bears the load of caring for Gram.  I haven't been able to spend anywhere near as much time at the hospital as I'd like.  All hope is not lost, though!  When I saw her Tuesday I was scared and pretty much prepared to be saying goodbye to her soon.  When I saw her Thursday she was sitting in her chair and eating real food and had walked halfway down the hall and back with her PT.  God is good and He answers our prayers!  My prayer is that this rate of improvement continue and that Gram's life be extended -- not only that, but that her quality of life will return to where it was.

This post has turned out to be quite long!  I guess I had a lot to say today.  I hope you all are enjoying your weekend and this sunny day!

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  1. I didn't realize your Gram's situation hadn't improved - but had done quite the opposite. Happy to hear that she is making progress but will pray for that do continue.

    1. Thank you. I've been pretty sad about it, so I just haven't brought it up at lunch. I feel much better today, though. If anyone can rally and recover, it will be my Gram!


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