
March 27, 2012

I love movies.  Sadly, over the past couple of years, I have barely watched any at all.  I watched more films over the week of spring break than I've probably watched in the last twelve months.  Can I just say it felt like catching up with an old friend?  It did and I am going to make a point to foster this friendship. 

Spring break was rainy, rainy, and rainy.  After cleaning all day Monday and Tuesday, I decided we needed to get out of the house Wednesday.  The girls and I lunched at the food court, window shopped a bit, then headed to the cheap movie -- so much fun under one roof!  The one roof thing was key as the rain was not letting up and I would have rather stayed home with three restless kiddos than get in and out of the car in the rain all day.

We saw We Bought a Zoo.  I loved it.  When it was a new release back around the holidays, my friends who had seen posted mixed reviews on Facebook.  Well, maybe not mixed.  Most of them didn't like it.  Maybe I liked it so much because I was going in with a low expectation, but I found myself just in love with this family.  It's a story about family more than about a zoo.  It isn't action packed or overly funny.  It's just right.

The other movie we saw in the theater was The Hunger Games.  We didn't just see it -- we were there at midnight for the premier.  Never again.  I am too old to stay out all night and crawl into bed at 3:40 a.m.  We'll just say "memory made" and be glad for that.  I loved the film.  It was a great adaptation of a wonderful novel.  I read The Hunger Games four years ago and then had to wait for Catching Fire and Mockingjay.  I couldn't help but think that Suzanne Collins must be absolutely beside herself with the way the movie turned out. 

Rain + Redbox = Win!  We rented more movies this week than we've rented in a while.  I'll just mention a couple.  I got Happy Feet 2 for Lilah (and the rest of us because who doesn't like animated emperor penguins).  The second just wasn't as good as the first.  I didn't even finish it.  I found some laundry to do.  That was not the case with Midnight in Paris.  I had not heard much about it until I saw a clip of it on the Oscars.  I love, love, love all things flapper and 1920s.  I am very nearly obsessed with the Lost Generation after reading The Paris Wife  last summer.  The husband and I have, on more than one occasion, toyed with the notion of becoming expatriates ourselves (though not in Paris and not with any real artistic aspirations).  I love Woody Allen and Owen Wilson and great costuming, so this film was a hit with me. 

I wish I had more time (and money) to spend in movie theaters.  I'd forgotten how much I enjoyed them!

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