Real Quick...
November 18, 2012If I'm using this blog to document my family's life, then I'm doing a pretty terrible job right now. The good news is that we're all about to get a little bit of a breather around here in the form of Thanksgiving Break. Sadly, we are just about the only school district around here to not be out the entire week, but it's whatever. Have I mentioned I'd love to try a year-round school calendar? Take those last four weeks of summer when it's unbearably hot, and spread them out through the rest of the year for me. I think that's a reasonable idea!
Halloween was good. Lilah was a witch and we trick-or-treated with the Medlocks again. I made her costume -- from scratch -- no pattern. Please be appropriately impressed!

The Halloween carnival at the primary school was a fun time, too. Can I just tell you something? I'm an old mom. I'm not when we're talking about the big girls -- I fit in nicely with PJB's and Molly's friends' moms, but I am quite a bit older than these kindergarten moms. I'm not one to generally feel insecure, but I am not particularly excited about being, as my friend Carole puts it, the "experienced" mom. Oh, well. It'll be a few years before Lilah realizes this and is embarassed of me, right?
In other Lilah news, I guess I'm going to have to break down and buy some Matilda Jane clothes as she has specifically asked for a knot dress. I can do that, but I won't have her looking like she's wearing a Holly Hobbie costume. I starts earlier and earlier with little girls these days. I don't think the big girls asked for a specific brand of something until at least 2nd grade. I suppose I could just find a pattern and craft a few dresses myself...

Lilah's Sunday night class had a demonstration for us at church a few weeks ago. She is learning so much about the books of the Bible and fun facts about the Word as well as memorizing scripture (not that you'd know it that night -- she got a little shy and wouldn't use the microphone). Our dear Bobbie stood in for her husband, Coachy, as Lilah's partner. Coach lost his dad that very evening. I am so glad God placed the Dilbecks in our life. They live with such grace and service and set an example worthy of following.

It has been a beautiful fall here in western Arkansas. The sunrise is gorgeous every morning and it's happening a little earlier now which helps me out tremendously! The bottom picture is of Lilah sitting on the rocks in front of our house. I was working in the yard and she was just singing away as the wind blew her hair. It was such a perfect moment and I'm glad I was able to get it with my phone. I uploaded it to InstaGram and I really want to order a print of it to frame. Of course, I can't copy and paste an InstaGram pic to my blog anymore, but trust me when I tell you the effect turned this nice picture into a truly breathtaking one.
I've got to run now and pick up Lilah from a birthday party. All three girls have had a pretty active social life lately which is nice but expensive. Ha! It is neat to see Lilah making little friends and developing a life that's sort of her own.
Have a wonderful Sunday! And, a happy Thanksgiving. We have much to be thankful for.