Good (Quiet) Morning

December 27, 2012

One of the really awesome things about having teenagers is that they sleep in a little. One really awesome thing about Lilah is that if she gets to stay up a little late and has no nap, she will also sleep late.  It's 9:49 and I'm the only one awake and I am loving it! 

Christmas 2012 has come and gone.  It was a nice, but different, holiday this year.  We spent Christmas Eve and Christmas morning with my parents and had a great time.  We (even Jamie!) went to the Candlelight and Carol service and then home for snacky food and a few games of HeadBandz.  Sleeping was a challenge as Jamie could not get comfortable, and when 6:00 rolled around the next morning, we felt like we'd barely slept at all! But, Santa had come and our girls knew it!


We put out the reindeer food that Lilah had made at school; we left cookies and milk for Santa.
Santa brought the girls exactly what they'd asked for!  (Except the Jingle book from Hallmark that Lilah decided she wanted three days before Christmas.  Luckily, she forgot!)
Lilah wanted a bed for Allison, her American Girl doll.  Molly had asked for the new (cha-ching!) iPod touch, and Parker wanted an iPhone 5.  The phone was sort of a Christmas miracle and can I just say that Santa has a great helper in me?  I can make things happen!  PJB's line was set to upgrade 12/28, but I really thought Verizon would allow an early upgrade and she could have the phone under the tree Christmas morning.  Uhh, wrong.  They were "unable" to help me out since Verizon no longer allows early upgrades (I was asking for 10 days; then 8 when I called back!).  Still no.  The system wouldn't allow them to change the date. Whatever.  Let's just say we will upgrade at WalMart from now on.  For some reason, when I checked their website last Saturday, Park's line was already eligible to upgrade.  And, the 5s were on big sale for $127!  It was a win all the way around.  Take that Verizon!  It was kind of funny that she could no longer us her shattered, no-back on it, black dots on what was left of the screen Droid X once the upgrade went through.  She thought hers had finally kicked the bucket for good and she would be without a phone for 6 days.  Parker was a pretty happy and surprised girl when she saw what Santa had left!
We ate breakfast at my parents' house, then we loaded up and headed home.  My sister and her family weren't going to arrive until after 2:00 and we were concerned that the weather would be getting bad about that time.  Jamie was adamant that he would not be snowed in in Sallisaw!  We came home and took naps and had a relaxing afternoon, then braved the snow to head to my mother-in-law's house for Mexican food.  I missed my traditional Christmas lunch this year :(  Oh, well, some things can't be helped. 
Lilah woke up with Christmas hangover yesterday!  Poor baby!  She had a great Christmas and she is at the height of believing right now.  That's a lot of fun and I will miss that as my girls grow up.

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