Spring Is Springing...and a Phone Dump

March 15, 2013

Oh, Spring Break!  How I've missed you.  I've longed to see you all winter long and I cannot believe you've arrived.  I have such plans for us!  I hope you're ready for me ; )  In all seriousness, this break is much needed by all the Battles girls.  We have been tired and a little cranky and just ready for an open, relaxed schedule for a few days.  Jamie has sent me several texts counting down this week from "4.75 days" on Monday to "2 hours" this afternoon.  I have a couple of day and half-day trips planned, but the majority of my week will consist of giving this house a good purge, weeding the lawn and readying flower beds, and getting some grad school work completed or at least started.  We are not that family who takes a fabulous trip during Spring Break.  It's catch up time around here.

I think I'll just do a dump of pictures on my phone for this post.  I've taken a break from Facebook for Lent this year.  I didn't technically make it 40 days because I had to check something the other night, but overall I did manage to stay FB free for 31 days.  It's interesting, though.  Initially I missed it and really was difficult to stay away.  I connect with so many people through that medium whom I don't see often if at all, so I did find myself missing them.  I have also had a few people tell me they've missed my posts and that's nice to hear.  Facebook is kind of an outlet for me.  As much as I'd like to think myself an actual writer, most days all I am able to manage is a status update.  But, I do really think about what I'm writing to share (most of the time).  I try to structure it in a way that conveys my voice and emotions; I revise before hitting "share."  It's seriously the most "real" writing I do most days.

I'm not entirely certain, though, that I'll be returning to that world full force.  It has been nice to focus on my world -- not that I don't -- but without the distractions of everyone else's problems and their celebrations and their issues and their grammatical mistakes and their positions on particular issues.  Funny phenomenon, this social media thing...  Anyway, I'll figure all that out later. 

 My friend Melinda who has had one teen driver and is expecting another found this and printed a copy for us, too.  It's six pages of guidelines for being a teen driver in this house.  It's wonderful.  PJB had a little episode when she saw it, but I explained that this is a way that both she and her dad and I can outline almost all possible scenarios that she might encounter and discuss how we expect her to handle them.  We'll get a little more serious about covering all of this with her later, but the next four months are going to fly by and we'll be ready!

Lilah's abstract zebra.  She put this together in my room after school one afternoon.  She loves art and was an artist on "When I Grow Up Day" during Dr. Seuss week at school (albeit a moody artist).
Parker is now responsible for her own laundry.  Molly is next.  I'm thinking by this summer I'm only doing Jamie's, mine, and Lilah's.  Oh, happy day!
I enjoyed my favorite Girl Scout cookies and only purchased one box (for me) this year.
I got new bedding for our bedroom.  I love it.  I also invested in adding a mattress pad to our set since we probably really need to buy a new set but would rather take an anniversary trip...  It's so comfortable and has made a world of difference. 

Lilah had her second Star Student week and had lunch with her at school.  I grabbed some Sonic and took it, but I felt badly about that the whole time because not everyone got to have Sonic.  It didn't phase Lilah one bit, though.  She'd watched other kids eat takeout with their parents enough times that she felt deserving of this treat ;)
Molly had her first experience going to "Choral Performance Assessment" with her 7th grade girls choir.  They gave us a pre-contest concert and they were lovely.  Molly's not the singer Parker is, though, nor does she want to be.  This will be her last year in choir as she is moving on to other things for 8th grade.

We spent a little time with Cora Deen at my parents' house while her mommy and daddy had their first night away since she arrived.  She didn't want to pose for a good picture at all.  She's getting busier and we had lots of fun with her.  I got to give her her bath and get her all ready for bed.  I miss that about babies.  Teens and six year olds just don't have that same bedtime sweetness for some reason...
We've had some beautiful sunrises lately.
Lilah started soccer practice.  She was better after an hour of coaching that she was going in, so maybe we'll have that kind of progress each week.  They're cute even if they aren't very good yet.
Sweet baby also brought me some flowers after school today.  Mrs. Moody sent them with her since she was cleaning everything out for the break.

And, I booked our 20th anniversary trip!  Puerto Vallarta, here we come.  We're going just before the rainy season starts, so I hope that doesn't end up being an issue.  Everything I've read says it won't.  We knew we'd do Mexico and we also knew we didn't want a huge all-inclusive resort that is strictly tourists.  Jamie wasn't sure that would really be much different from something we could experience stateside.  So, Puerto Vallarta is not quite as popular as Cozumel and Playa and Cancun, but we'll hopefully be able to experience a little more of the real Mexico.  We've chosen a smaller boutique hotel that is situated on the beach but within walking distance to the historical downtown area with lots of restaurants and nightlife and shopping.  That sounds right up our alley because we love the historical areas of any place we go.  I hope it's as charming as I think it will be!
Life has been rather routine around here lately and that's just fine with me.  I'm excited for Easter and the church service that we're holding in our town's Farmer's Market.  Doesn't that sound wonderful?  I'm praying for warm, clear weather.  Easter dresses will definitely be casual this year and I suppose I should actually begin shopping for them. 
I hope this spring finds you enjoying the beautiful weather we're having right now and spending time recharging your batteries.  That's how I plan to spend the next few days!

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