Farewell to 2013...Two Days Into the New Year...

January 02, 2014

It's been two months since I last posted on my blog, and who knows how long before that?  I ran across this idea of reflecting on the past year at another blog I read (Rage Against the Minivan -- love it so much), so here you are.  Maybe I'll post more in the coming year; I'd certainly like that. 

1.        What did you do in 2013 that you’d never done before?

Traveled out of the country, got a tattoo, spoke to/shared with a group of women, became an interim Sunday School teacher for a women’s class
2.       Did you keep your New Year’s resolutions, and will you make more?

I don’t recall what they were, so I suppose I didn’t keep them.  I won’t make any resolutions this year, but I might have a revolution like the kid on the AT&T commercial.  I will set some goals…

3.       Did anyone close to you give birth?

I was surrounded by pregnant people for periods of the year, but no one within my family gave birth.  We added several babies to our AHS family (faculty!)

4.       Did anyone close to you die?

Yes, my dad died on Thanksgiving morning.  I haven’t written about this yet.  I might be in the denial stage of grief; I don’t know.  What I can’t deny is that I miss him and I really grieve for my mom as she is learning to live life without him present. 

5.       What countries did you visit?

I’m so excited that I actually visited another country!  Jamie and I went to Mexico in June to celebrate our 20th anniversary a little early.  We loved it and my husband would move to Mexico if I’d just agree to it.

6.       What would you like to have in 2014 that you lacked in 2013?

More energy, more creativity, more quiet time, more prayer

7.       What dates from 2013 will remain etched in your memory and why?

Easter – it was the last one with my Dad and he was already beginning to really show signs of his failing health.  Mid-May (I don’t recall the dates) when Dad was so sick with cryptococcal meningitis that he was hallucinating – heartbreaking and scary.  May 21 – Parker’s 16th birthday and later when I let her drive away in a vehicle all by herself.  June 16-20 – our trip to Puerto Vallarta.  July 10/11 – PJB’s birthday trip to the Dave Matthews Band concert in St. Louis.  We took Brandy and had a ball.  (I’ll always remember the night before that as well …)  Labor Day weekend and our trip to Dallas so Lilah could go to the American Girl store.   November 24 when it was determined Dad should be admitted to hospice.  November 28 when he passed away and we attempted to walk through the motions of Thanksgiving. 

8.       What was your biggest achievement of the year?

Just keeping on…  I was pretty pleased to complete two full semesters and a summer term of grad school.  I was also honored to be asked to take responsibility for my Sunday School class after our wonderful Bobbie moved far away to Oklahoma.  It’s laughable, really, because I’m so not your typical church lady, but I think the Lord can work with that.

9.       What was your biggest failure?

I fail on a daily basis, so…  But I failed to continue watching my diet and exercising after we returned from our big trip.  I am bigger than I was before I started L  I also failed to balance my schedule well, but I’m not sure I could have done that much differently. 

10.   Did you suffer illness or injury?

No – I was a pretty healthy gal last year.  I just had the run of the mill sinus stuff and maybe one stomach bug.

11.   What was the best thing you bought?

A vehicle for PJB to drive.  Wow.  I love that she can get herself around without me.  We found a dependable vehicle that looks decent.  We don’t have a payment which is something we never wanted to do for a teenager’s vehicle. 

12.   Where did most of your money go?

Routine bills…  Wouldn’t it be cool if I could say “Travel” right here? Maybe someday…

13.   What did you really get excited about?

Our trips... Anything Lilah got excited about because she just sucks you in!

14.   What song will always remind your of 2013?

Blurred Lines, Get Lucky, Royals – these are the pop favorites from this year that probably got more playing time in the car than anything else.

15.   Compared to this time last year, are you:
--happier or sadder:  Probably the same.  I am happier in some areas and sadder in some areas than I was at the beginning of 2013.  It’s just different I guess.

--thinner or fatter:  Fatter.  I’m working on that.  I’m not healthy.  I’m determined to take care of my health this year.

--richer or poorer:  Ummm.  I suppose this is about the same as well.  I’ve decided we won’t be “richer” until these children are grown.  I did do a debt snowball a couple of months ago and we could be debt free, including our house, in 12 years if we’d follow it.  I want to cultivate the financial discipline required to do that.

16.   What do you wish you’d done more of?

I wish I’d prayed more/sought the Lord’s direction rather than my own.  I wish I’d been able to read more books of my choosing.  I wish I’d spent more evenings outside on my deck.  I wish I’d had more conversations with my girls instead of feeling so rushed all the time.  I wish I’d sat with my dad more in the hospital.

17.   What do you wish you’d done less of?

Less worrying/stressing/panicking.  Less criticizing.  Less raising my voice. 

18.   How did you spend Christmas?

Christmas Eve was celebrated with mom, Anna and her family, and Ryan here at our house.  We had lots of snacky, party food.  I ruined the dressing with too much pepper.  We had a “snowball” fight with jumbo marshmallows and just spent the evening together.  The girls, Jamie, and I woke up here and they saw what Santa brought (PJB—accoustic/electric guitar; Molly—Ugg boots (the short ones; we don’t like the tall ones); Lilah – Emily an American Girl historical doll from the WW2 period.  Then, we got it together and headed to Mom’s for brunch and gifts.  Then, we came home and napped – like I got back into bed and slept!  It was a lovely Christmas despite being a sad Christmas.

19. What was your favorite TV program?

I loved Downton Abbey!  I caught up on the first two seasons, then watched season three on PBS when it began in January.  I’ve also already seen the first three episodes of season four before their American release ;)

20.   What were your favorite books this year?

I read 39 books this year which is kind of a low number for me.  My favorite new author is Chris Crutcher – a young adult author.  I loved A Reliable Wife by Robert Goolrick (so different than anything I’ve read before) and Flight Behavior by Barbara Kingsolver.  I didn’t do a very good job of keeping up with new releases, but I’ll do better this year!

21.  What was your favorite music from this year?

Hmmm.  I love Matt Nathanson.  He’s a great song writer.  I also “discovered” Mumford & Sons (I was a little late to that party) and The Civil Wars.  I miss PJB not riding with me so often because she is my “new music” connection.

             22.  What was your favorite film of this year?

Not a lot of time for movies…  I honestly can’t even remember what I saw this year.  I finally watched Beasts of the Southern Wild which was kind of haunting.  Jamie and I kicked off 2014 by seeing American Hustle which was A…mazing.

23.  What did you do on your birthday and how old were you?

I turned 39 this year.  I have no real recollection of what we did! I shared a birthday with Gram, so this was the first one to celebrate without her.  I’m sure it was a lovely birthday, but I couldn’t begin to tell you what we did.

24.  What one thing would have made your year immeasurably more satisfying?

This is a tough one.  I had a difficult group of students last school year – the most difficult of my teaching career.  Half of my day was great; half of my day was not.  If that had been a better situation I would have definitely felt more satisfied professionally. 

25.  How would you describe your personal fashion concept in 2013?

Whatever fit.  That makes me sad L  I like simple.  I like muted colors.  I like tasteful.  I would like to come across as Antrhopologie meets J. Crew.  I do not come across like that, but I’d like to!

26.  What kept you sane?

                Good sleep.  Praying and being prayed for. Mowing the lawn.

27.  Tell us a valuable life lesson you learned in 2013.

Well, I don’t know that I learned anything new, rather lessons I’d learned already were reinforced. Trust the Lord.  Life is short.  Value people.  Make time for what’s important.  Accept people for who they are.  Perhaps one lesson I feel I’ve learned but that I’d love to share with others is that, yes, as a believer, I am to discern whether or not a particular practice/belief/idea/attitude aligns with what Scripture teaches.  When I have a difference of opinion, I should guard my tongue rather than lash out across social media.  I think fellow believers have good intentions (I hope) when they seek to educate everyone about their views on anything from gun rights to Duck Dynasty, but I am constantly put off by the tone of self-righteousness that’s so prevalent in status updates and Tweets.  Should we stand up for our beliefs?  Absolutely.  Does making a Facebook status qualify as that?  Rarely.  So, another lesson learned?  Hide people, even good people, from showing up in my newsfeed J

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