31 Days of Being...
October 01, 2014So, I've decided to participate in my first ever "31 Days." The Nester has hosted this every October for the past several years, and I've always been interested in the idea of participating. This year I have overruled every reasonable excuse I can think of, and I'm just jumping in and going for it.
My topic for this October is "Being." That's really vague, but I sort of like that I have some flexibility to write about a variety of ideas. My thinking is that I'll explore different emotions, moods, frames of mind, roles, and beliefs that my "being" expresses. Some of the bloggers who will be participating have really specific, really focused topics. Since I'm not an expert on anything, I think this very general idea is probably the way to go.
I've been thinking a lot lately about being comfortable with who I am, being comfortable in my own skin... being myself. It hasn't necessarily taken me until age 40 to comfortably be myself, but I do have a different security in who I am than I did even five years ago.
Being myself means I'll share this post on my Facebook page because writing is something I enjoy. I won't worry about how others perceive it; I'll just do it because I want to.
Being myself means I finally see my talkativity as a really good thing. One of the things I'm learning to embrace about myself is my ability to talk to almost anyone...about almost anything.
Being myself means I can be funny.
Being myself means I know when I need to be alone and be quiet.
Being myself means I don't worry too much about having a clean house.
Being myself means loving my freckles and no longer wanting to try the Jan Brady lemon treatment.
Being myself means honoring traditions that I catch a lot of grief over, i.e. white pants and shoes after Labor Day.
Being myself means plain fingernails and a tattoo for a wedding band.
Being myself means I have friends from a variety of lifestyles, socio-economic statuses, ages, and beliefs -- all of whom I love and who love me.
Being myself means I don't waste time on keeping up appearances or pretending to be anyone other than myself. That's exhausting and my life is so nuts that any facade I create would fall apart within the hour.
Being myself means I don't look to the achievements (or not) of my husband or my children to validate who I am.
Being myself means I can look at Pinterest through the lens of "Yeah, that's awesome, but it'll never happen here."
Certainly this list is not complete, but it is a beginning. It's a step toward being a real-life blogger! I hope you'll check in here throughout the month and leave your comments and your thoughts. I'm excited! Here's to 31 Days!
What an honest and useful list. I'd not thought of just writing things out like that. Thank you, both for the idea, and for sharing your own list.