Things I've Found Lately

June 10, 2010

I love reading blogs.  I absolutely love it.  Blogs, good blogs, are snapshots into someone's life.  I'm such a naturally nosy person and blogs are a way to learn more about folks without intruding because, after all, they posted it on the Web where we all know it will never go away.  I love Google Reader!  Every morning I look forward to seeing what's there.  I used to spend lots of time going from blog to blog to see if anything was new...  This is so much more efficient.  Anyway, I think I've made my point -- I love blogs -- so let me share a few recently discovered ones that I'm loving.

The first link is to my friend from high school (longer, really since Sallisaw is a small town and everyone sort of always knew everyone).  He's a pastor in Texas now and I think I would love to attend his church.  Today's post came at just the right time (think #9 on last night's list).  We'd all do well to take what he says to heart.  I don't naturally just love people.  I love a lot of people, but some are hard to love and some, honestly, I'm afraid to love.  What if they take advantage of that?  What if they treat me badly?  You know?  I hope you'll take the time to read this -- it's great.

The other blog I've found this week is just a treasure of good stuff.  I have only made it back through December of last year in her posts, but every day I try to read a little more.  Joann and I would be great friends; I just know it!  Maybe you'll find her as cool as I do.

By the way, our truck shopping was cut short today, but I think maybe we found one.  It's not at all what Jamie was looking for and, come to find out, it belongs to one of my former students.  It is tough and it just looks like Jamie : )  

I'm off to sit on the deck this cloudy afternoon with Lilah for a little while and read.  VBS Family Night tonight is tonight and that should be a good time.  Oh, I bought some super cute new fabric for kitchen curtains.  I'll post later!  

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