Just a Quick Note...
October 07, 2010before the chaos excitement of this weekend commences! Molly and I have had a busy couple of days. Driving to and from Little Rock two days in a row will wear you smooth out. Her MRI went very well -- the actual anesthesia instead of IV sedation is the way to go! She wasn't anxious about the IV and she woke up so easily. We met with her neurosurgeon today and all is well. The syrinxes are smaller than they were on the last MRI and she has recovered well from the Chiari decompression last spring. She really has -- no headaches since! The rehabilitation specialist did her check this time as well and Molly is very strong and looking good. She suggested working on balance...that's always been an issue. I am reminded at every spina bifida clinic we attend how blessed we are. Molly is ambulatory and she's smart...we couldn't ask for more.
It struck me today just how long we've been at this. When we first found out about Molly's diagnosis, we were immediately put in touch with the SB clinic coordinator. Becky was a wonderful advocate/liaison during Molly's NICU stay and in the years since. Many faces are the same today as they were 10 years ago when we were visiting ACH frequently -- even the receptionist in the radiology waiting room! Molly's 10 now, so we are looking at only 8 more years of her being treated at ACH. That makes me just so sad. We're over halfway there. I'll think about that later.
Wedding central kicks off tomorrow afternoon. I'm a wreck. If you think of us, send up a prayer that all goes smoothly on the Battles' end of things. I do not want to mess up this wedding! Lilah is super excited and can't wait to carry her flower girl basket, but...she is "not going to hold that boy's hand." OK. I think I have everything else ready to go. And, in touching up my roots, my hair has turned out too dark. What do you do at this point? I knew I was pushing it to wait until the Wednesday before the wedding. I'll just be the goth sister. No, I don't think it's quite that bad -- it just looks better in natural light. : /
I hope everyone has a lovely weekend! And, I would really like a shout-out from you if you are a reader. I'd love to know who is actually laughing behind my back out there in cyberspace! Later...