So sore, so sore, so sore!
December 20, 2010I'm better today, but yesterday I could barely squat or reach or simply get up from a sitting position. No, I haven't started P90X; I simply painted Parker Jane's bedroom. After a coat of primer, then the color, then the cutting in I was absolutely done. Painting is one of those things that always seems like such a good idea until you get too far in to quit. Jamie worked all weekend, so I painted alone. Actually, I would have painted alone anyway because he flat out refuses to pick up a brush. He abhors painting! I'm beginning to share the sentiment.
I like the color in the evening and a night, but during the day it is BRIGHT! We've got to get some window treatments up very soon or PJB will need sunglasses during daytime hours.
She loves it, though. The bedding she picked out (her "play with" from Santa) looks a lot different in person (she hasn't seen it yet) than it does in this shot from the website.