August 08, 2011240. The great timing of Jamie's phone dying for good just as his line becomes due for an upgrade.
241. New school supplies
242. Shoe sales!
243. Thoughtful friends who share their Walgreens freebies (extreme couponers beware!)
244. A windy evening on the deck with my husband sitting beside me eating yellow cake with chocolate frosting and drinking milk.
245. Said husband cooking a simple, yet yummy, anniversary dinner for us.
246. 18 years -- a miracle, no doubt.
247. Parker's excitement for starting high school -- it's almost contagious.
249. Older sisters having time for middle sisters
I just feel like blessings are abounding right now, even though our routine and our finances have been turned upside down. For the first time in probably two years, my husband is relaxed. We have had the best time as a family the past several days and I don't want to jinx it by seeming to boast about it! I'm excited to see what God has in store for us. What's the next step? On a whim, we Jamie responded to a job opportunity in Greensboro, North Carolina. Remember how much he love Charlotte earlier this summer? I have no idea if he'll hear from them, but we're open to a new adventure right about now. Prayers for wise decision-making are certainly welcome right now!
On another note, teachers have been back at school since last Wednesday and so far, so good. My girls are so ready for next Monday when they'll tackle middle school and high school. Jamie and I have been watching reruns of The Middle (we were a little late to this great show) and the Hecks said something in the last one we watched about being married 18 years with 3 children. We had a really hard time with that! Is that our demographic now?
The wind is picking up and the clouds are rolling in! There's a little frog hopping along the deck railing right beside me. Frogs creep me out, so I'm heading inside now!
Stopping by from Ann V's - but I saw where you mentioned Greensboro NC (we live close by and go to church in GSO). It's a great place to live. :) Praying for your husband's job situation ...