My Girls

December 15, 2011

My three girls -- love them so much!

They're growing up so fast.  Molly is just about as tall as Parker, so Park wore heels in an attempt to be taller than her little sister.

I wish they smiled like this all the time!

My baby -- such an improvement from where we found ourselves a month and a half ago.

My middle -- just now expressing an interest in curling her hair and wearing some lip gloss.

My big girl -- so beautiful she literally takes my breath away sometimes.  At this point we have three and a half years with her at home full-time.  Where has the time gone?

The JOYs of my heart!

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  1. Oh your girls are adorable! What a wonderful photo shoot. Beautiful. I love the JOY shot! :)

  2. Beautiful pictures of some beautiful girls! Hope y'all have a merry, calm, peaceful, uneventful Christmas!!!


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