February 07, 2012Yesterday was my Gram's 82nd birthday (and, it happened to also be my 38th). We had a mini-celebration in her hospital room which was first for us together. I spent my 26th birthday at Arkansas Children's while Molly was still in the NICU. That, my friends, was a tough one. Anyway, we made the best of yesterday and enjoyed a quick time of just getting together to mark the occasion.
What better opportunity is there to continue listing gifts than a birthday?
486. 82 and 38 (my hair is in a ponytail and the bump had fallen down -- I look, well, like the mom in the movie Sybil -- you know, the one where Sally Field has multiple personalites...

487. My girls and my parents

488. A text that read: "Happy Birthday O love you" at 1:21 PM from my man who just barely missed being in the doghouse.
489. Cherry cupcakes made with love by my forever friend, Amy at The Bake Shoppe. Yum! Yum! Yum!

490. Beautiful flowers from Mom & Dad
491. Cards in the mail
492. Facebook birthday greetings
493. "You don't look 38."
*** See the resemblance? I think it's the shape of our faces...***
494. That I don't REALLY look like this ^^^
495. Sister pictures in the car

496. Sister pictures in the living room (sorry it's huge -- won't let me resize)

497. Peace in my spirit after a few days of unrest (prayers heard and answered)
498. Options
499. New book to start that's out of my typical genre
500. A strong arm under my pillow while I sleep
501. Feet that touch and keep the others warm without toenails touching the soles of my feet (Jamie is very careful about this and has been for over 18 years now. Evidently there are times when a little fit works wonders : ) )
502. Lilah's intense interest in learning to read and her excitement to start kindergarten in August
503. "So, I guess my birthday's over now..." Molly to me as we opened the mailbox last night and those cards were mine
504. Writing workshop with my classes on Mondays -- why didn't I start this practice (the way I'm doing it now) years ago?