In Which I Explain Our Fifteen Year Old's Tattoo...
April 25, 2012Well, she's not quite 15... But, the tattoo is her birthday gift, so she will be 15 shortly after getting it. The question of whether or not to not only grant our permission for her to do this, but to sign our names on the dotted line for her to do this, has been a talking point at our house for months now. Really, it's been a Parker-talks-we-tell-her-we'll-discuss-it-later kind of conversation. Well, we finally had that discussion which consisted of "What do you think?" and "I'm fine with it" and "Are you sure?" and "Yes. What about you?" and "I think I am, too." There was no need for deep philosophical rhetoric because we already know our stance on tattoos in general. The question, naturally, had to do with the fact that she is a minor.
Now, I don't feel I have to explain our choice to anyone in order to gain their approval. Or their acceptance. Or their understanding. I am completely at peace with this and even excited about it. My mom is fine with it and she's seriously the only individual on this planet (outside our four walls) whose opinion I would even take into consideration.
As a Christian, I am fine with it. The only mention of tattoos in the Bible is in Leviticus 19:28. The previous verse says not to trim the sides of your head or your beards referring to pagan practices of rounding the corners of their beards, etc. as a religious practice. Nearly everyone I know gets a haircut periodically, but zero percent of them do it to express dark beliefs which, ironically (or not), is exactly the same percentage of people I know who have tattooed themselves for satanic purposes. The rest of Leviticus 19 is full of "do-nots" that were purposeful in that they separated the Israelites from the pagans and their religious practices. Not all of Leviticus 19 is irrelevant today; however, those other themes show up in New Testament scripture as well. Tattooing does not.
Let me put it this way: I am more convicted in my spirit about my tendency to gossip everyday during my lunch than I am about allowing my daughter to get a tattoo.
Naturally, there are certain questions that people have asked or will ask. Just for kicks, here are my responses. Note: I will be nice as long as the person asking the questions is. Actually, I will be nice even if the person asking has that tone or that look when they ask...
But, make no mistake, sweet children. I am not in the "Cool Mom" game. There's an entire list of things most of them get to do that PJB isn't allowed to do.