A is for Aunt!

September 28, 2012

No football game for me tonight because I am one tired girl.  It's silly for me to say that I'm tired when I know my sweet sister and mother are worn smooth out.  What a week we've had!  This will be a long post, so just settle in.  OK?

I have always, always, always said that I will purposefully choose not to over schedule myself or my girls.  Well, as with most ideas that we become so rigid about, that has completely changed this year.  It's not so much that the girls are terribly busy, but I am.  And, our home just doesn't run very smoothly when I'm gone frequently.  I must give kudos to Jamie because he has cooked and bathed and attended parent meetings and held the fort down in my absence.  I'm so grateful for his help. 

Let me just get to the good stuff!  Wednesday morning I'd taken my first period class to the old gym for school pictures.  I still hate picture day.  I've really never taken a good picture.  Anyway, as we got back to my room and were settling in, I saw my phone lighting up on my desk and it showed a call from my sister.  Anna never calls during the day.  Ever.  So, I stepped out in the hall to answer the phone because I knew it had to be important.  It was!  She told me her OB had decided to induce as her blood pressure was too high.  Woo hoo!  Baby day two and a half weeks early!  I didn't know what to do... leave now?  Take everyone with me?  Wait?  It took me a few minutes to compose myself and gather my wits, but I ultimately decided I'd finish the morning and leave at lunch.  My assistant principal posted my sub request for me and it was filled in a matter of about 30 minutes.  Meanwhile, I'm fielding calls from Mom and Jamie while continuing to manage a classroom.  It's a very good thing it was picture day (students go during English) and we were already in a relaxed groove.

This is a little off track, but when I returned to my classroom with my third period class after they'd taken their pictures, these beautiful flowers were on my desk.  I was just completely stunned and had no idea who they were from.  My original thought was, "What sweet friend sent me "auntie" flowers?"  Because, you know, I have sweet friends like that.  I'd sent out a notice to my Sunday school gals to pray, so one of them must have caught my excitement and wanted to brighten my day even more.  Ha!  When I opened the card, this was how it read...
"Thanks for the kidney...kid.  Love, Dad."  I knew it was the anniversary of the transplant, but it didn't occur to me that it might be the reason behind the flowers.  That's my dad's handwriting -- he drove to Alma and ordered them in person so he could sign them (and see what he was getting for his money I'm sure!).  I teared up a little.  One year ago on the same day, we were all gathered together as a family -- Jamie, me, Mom, and Dad in OKC and Anna, Gram, and my girls in Alma as we tried to keep their routine normal.  I think September 26th is a pretty special day for the Batchelors!
I suppose that I should cut to the chase -- this isn't my birth story after all!  Anna's blood pressure continued to be high throughout the day and evening.  Preeclampsia is a dangerous situation.  They were monitoring her very closely and giving her magnesium through her IV which is very tough on you.  One nurse told her the side effects were like having the flu -- that wiped out, sick feeling.  She labored all afternoon and evening before her doctor decided a c-section needed to happen.  Cora Deen was born just before 8:00 p.m.  We didn't get to spend any time with Anna afterward as she'd had to have extra sedation because they weren't sure if the spinal took.  That, along with the magnesium, had wiped her completely out.  Poor girl!  We did get to watch Cora in the nursery getting all checked out and cleaned up.  I'll just share some pictures of the day (all phone pics -- quality not great!). 
Getting started!  Anna was hot and got to have a popsicle : )

Jamie brought Lilah up after he got off work. 
We didn't feel like she'd do very well being at the hospital all afternoon. 
She did get tired of waiting, but we had entertainment and she met a new friend, too.


Once the big girls heard the C-section was going to happen, they YouTubed some videos
in order to educate themselves on the procedure.  That later changed to actual labor and delivery videos
and Molly did not last long for that!  I'm actually surprised those are available on YouTube...

 Here's the hand-off!  I only know C-section protocol, so I really don't know if all dads do
this or not, but Jamie always got to carry the girls to the nursery, expcept, of course, Molly
since that was an entirely different situation.  We were one excited group of people when we saw him coming into the nursery.  We'd been waiting at that window for over 20 minutes!

Here's our quick peek of her whole self!
The good dad had the camera in tow!
The paparazzi : ) Lilah's in the big middle and I think she's the only one
who wasn't snapping pictures.
My favorite shot.  Look at her little eyes.  She didn't close them for the entire
hour we watched her through the window. 
Rawlon held her like this for quite a while before I got this shot.  I had just
finished talking to Jamie as he had called after I'd sent the first picture to him.  (He'd had to leave before we knew an ETA on Miss Cora because he goes to work so early.)  Anyway, my phone is SLOW and I couldn't get my camera to open and so it just took a while.  But, it's a sweet photo :)
I didn't go back to the hospital the next day because I knew they'd be overwhelmed with visitors.  My plan was (and still is) to go one day next week and help Anna at home.  Because of the preeclampsia, seizures are a risk for her and she doesn't need to be left alone for a while.  Thursday was a long day for her and as Mom said, "She just didn't seem like Anna -- even tired Anna."  By evening she wasn't breathing well and it was discovered that she had a collapsed lung.  Wow.  A chest tube went in and she had to move to another floor away from Cora and it really kind of scared us all.  I couldn't wait until next week -- I put in my sub request and headed back up to NWA as soon as the girls were settled the next morning.  Finally, finally, finally, I got to hold my niece.  And, Anna appeared to be so much better!  Taking her off the magnesium and giving her some air worked wonders.  She's still not cleared for discharge as of tonight, but the doctors are taking great care of her and we hope she's able to leave at some point over the weekend.
Now, I realize this isn't MY baby -- technically ; )  But she is OURS and we are all so happy to have her here.  I'm so excited to think about having a baby at Christmas and Easter and all the other family celebrations.  I'm so smitten with this beautiful little girl!  I'm ready for her parents to need a weekend getaway and to leave her at Aunt Nenny's.  (Anna called me Nenny when she was little -- I like the sound of that for my baby name.)
This was long!  I'm tired.  I just wanted to share my newest news : )

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