September 07, 2012So far, September has been ... HOT! I knew better than to believe we were finished with the 100+ degree temps, so I shouldn't have been surprised when this week turned out to be so hot (and humid!) I'm hoping that this front of storms that has just moved through the area will cool us off and get us headed in the direction of autumn-like weather. My sweet school neighbor and friend got me in the fall frame of mind last week when she brought me my first Brach's candy corn of the season! What a pal! She is expecting her first baby and I told her I would just plan on eating for two with her : ) That's my excuse anyway!

I got another surprise a couple of weeks ago. Jamie and I had made a date of seeing some friends who just welcomed their first baby (a boy -- I was afraid Jamie might try to run with him!), then eating dinner, then going where I think most married couples end up at the end of date night -- WalMart! We stopped at the Kelly Highway store which is the best one around here (their prices are generally at least a few cents cheaper on every item -- an associate told me once that it was because of the demographic for that area -- have no idea if that's really true) and they had some outdoor swings on sale. I have always wanted a swing for the yard. Well, I talked about it some but we left without it. The next day, my husband said we should go get it! That's a little out of the ordinary. I made him a deal that we could both spend $100 because I really didn't want to get a treat for myself without him getting a treat, too. The swing was basically half-price, so that worked; and he wanted new tennis shoes, so it worked for that, too. He still hasn't bought his shoes (picky, picky, picky and rather cheap), but I have my swing! It's been too hot this week to spend much time in it. I'm so looking forward to nice afternoons and evenings that I can spend in my little retreat. Look how brown everything is. I'm happy to say we've had a little rain and it's greened up quite a bit over the past week and a half.

Lilah is now a big girl -- 6 years old! How this child keeps me fluctuating between states of joy and frustration. Kindergarten is still great except that she is starving when she arrives at my building. It's hard for all of us to get back on that school eating schedule. We decided to splurge a little on her birthday party this year as she has never had a party with her friends. We've always done a family party -- poor third child. Monkey House was the venue and those kids partied it up! I was exhausted and very glad we don't have to do it again for a year. There's just no downtime to visit very much at a party like that. I really prefer a slower pace! Some of her new friends from her class came and it was nice to get to know them a little bit. She got an American Girl doll and a few outfits (Target's "Our Generation" line is the place to go for accessories as they are priced so much more reasonably). She toted her to the party and even to church on Sunday where "Allison" sat with me during children's church.

Lilah is also a little scribe. She wanted to copy the whole bible "from the beginning," but I talked her into just copying the list of the books of the New Testament.

Her Sunday School and Sunday night "Bible Warriors" teacher is a precious soul who is really encouraging a love of the Word in my girl. She is memorizing verses and reciting the books of the New Testament (with some help). Mrs. Shirley is probably in her late 70s (I should know this) and Lilah enjoys their time together every week. I miss my Gram terribly sometimes and I am glad that Lilah has this other great-gram type figure in her life.
I do have two other daughters... They don't need or want me quite as much anymore as my baby does. Parker is doing very well so far in her classes this year. She's putting forth more effort than I've ever seen before in terms of academics. I hope the momentum keeps going! My other child has become rather disorganized at the beginning of 7th grade, so that's going to require some attention. My Molly is sweet and precious and beautiful and, sadly, quite sad sometimes. I would be interested in hearing from any of my readers who have dealt with adolescent depression in themselves or their children. I don't know if that's what this is, but I do want to look into some things and do whatever my girl needs me to do to help her deal with this. Middle school is tough without additional issues, so you might remember us in your prayers as we look for some solutions.
I'm enjoying my classes this semester even though I am more than overwhelmed at the moment. The culminating artifact for one class is going to be by far the most in-depth, extensive piece of work I've ever undertaken. But, I keep thinking about how proud I'll be when it's all over and I ace it! Ha! Let's hope...
I also got some sad news this week. One of the girls PJB had been pretty close to in the past is pregnant. I cannot get that out of my mind. It's an already stressful situation and now here comes more stress. She will be a good little momma; I don't doubt that. But, my goodness, I hurt for her because I can see the road ahead and I know it won't be easy. I am fully aware that anyone could find themselves in this position, so please don't think that because I'm sad for her I'm condemning her. I can't help but think "What would we do?" What would we do? This happens and sometimes it happens to really "good" kids. I suppose this is where I have to have faith that we have taught our girls well and that they take to heart what they've been taught in church and through their own study of scripture. And, I pray that they will THINK! Think! Think! Think! And that they will only date boys who THINK as well and who have purity written on their hearts. Funny how I wasn't terribly concerned about this as a junior when Jamie and I began dating. A couple of decades and a mother's heart and growing in your faith will change one's perspective on so many things.
On a lighter note, it's lightning outside the living room window and another storm front seems to be moving in. I think tonight will be some good sleeping weather! Now, if it would just get cool outside, too, we'd be in business. I do love some good sleep!
I hope your weekend is fabulous! I'm going to clean and do homework and then probably clean up again. Next weekend is Anna's baby shower for Cora Deen -- hurry up, baby! I'm getting anxious to meet my new niece!