
Monday, Monday

October 03, 2011

Today is one week post-surgery. My pain is mostly gone (still a little "tight" around my belly button) unless I need to cough or laugh a belly laugh. I am tired, though. I knew to expect this, but I dont' really like it. What I did not expect was that I would still not be eating. I am starving! Lack of appetite was a problem for the first 3 or 4 days, but just about the time food started to sound good, I developed thrush from the strong IV antibioitics I'd been given in the hospital. Evidently Dad is missing out on this fun thing because he was given a very lovely (note the sarcasm) mouthwash during his hospital stay to help prevent this. I was not. I got the mouthwash late last week and it isn't working quickly enough for me. I force myself to eat when I feel sick, but the messed up taste along with the way this thrush texturizes my food is just too much. I'd rather avoid it.

The timing of this eating problem is terrible. Friends from church are preparing and delivering my family's dinner every night -- and it is GOOD! I don't mean they are just dropping off a main dish; they are giving us the works! This perk alone makes being a living donor well worth it ; ) And, I have such sweet friends and a sweet sister who know what I love. I've received 5, count 'em 5, bags of Brach's Candy Corn since coming home. I guess it's a good thing I can't stomach them all right now.

300. Sprite -- thought I'd never drink it again after my weekend of clears only, but it's my new BFF

301. Sharing an impromptu lunch with my friends up the hill

302. Friend up the hill taking Lilah for the afternoon to "help" her clean house

303. My husband's willingness to run to Braum's at almost 10:00 because I think I might can tolerate ice cream

304. Libraries that make house calls -- no kidding -- my books were delivered to me this morning : )

305 The humor that is Lilah Grace

306. Soft sweat pants

307. Naps

308. Dad's pink cheeks

309. Gram coming to help me (She's 81, drives the interstate, does laundry, takes me to lunch & WalMart)

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  1. stopping by from Ann's...what a gift of love you gave...
    My mom is turning 87...she can out do me... Love your gram is living well too...
    Blessings and healing to you today...

  2. Oh how wonderful to recover from a life giving surgery with 5 bags of candy corn and amazing dinners! And loving library deliveries! How cool is that. Praying for you and your recovery!

  3. So happy to hear you are healing and feeling better. Praying you continue to feel better! I love Sprite. #303... love a husband that will do that. Your gram sounds awesome. Such a gift!


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